Thursday, February 19, 2015

Swine Flu in Indian Capital - Some Facts (updated 30-03-2015)

Swine Flu in Indian Capital - Some Facts

Till date following are the stats for Swine flu in Delhi, the capital of India:

1. Officially ~4500 people have been tested positive for H1N1 infection.

2. Officially, 12 person have died due to H1N1 infection.

3. Overall, the count of infected people is greater than 33761, and the death figure is 2035. The total death toll in Rajasthan has reached 415 and in Gujarat it stands at 428. Total number of cases for these states are, 6559 and 6495 respectively.

4. Youngest in Delhi is a 5 year old, a 3 three old in Mumbai, two pregnant woman are vicitm of this deadly flu. The government says there is no need to panic, as they have situation under control.

5. In Maharashtra, swine flu has claimed 394 lives while ~3500 people were affected by the virus. The toll in Madhya Pradesh touched 299 with 2186 cases having so far come to light.

6. Health Ministry figures show that in 2009, the virus had affected a total of 27,236 persons and caused 981 casualties while, in 2010, 20,604 persons were affected by the virus with the toll reaching 1,763.

7. The deadly virus has killed 53 people in Punjab, 73 in Telangana, 51 in Haryana, 38 in Uttar Pradesh, 25 in West Bengal, 82 in Karnataka, 18 in Jammu and Kashmir, 22 in Chhattisgarh, 21 in Himachal Pradesh and 22 in Andhra Pradesh.

8. A new study conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has said that the swine flu virus in India may have acquired mutations that make it more severe and infectious than previously circulating H1N1 strains. Indian government and medical fraternity has rejected this idea.

The stock of Tamiflu at various government run hospitals is either over or it is running low. This has resulted in black marketing of both Tamiflu as well as WHO specified N95 masks. A strip of Tamiflu costs about INR 500 for 10 pills, now chemists are illegally selling it INR 400/pill. Same with N95 mask, the price is up from INR 70-90 to ~INR 400.

It is a shame to see thing happening but there is no control on this behaviour. The greed quotient always overcomes the humanity. Moreover, India being a Generic drug hub, such shortages are confusing to say the least.

Swine flu is very much curable. Just necessary precautions of maintaining hygiene; avoiding crowded places, keeping body temperature under control, keeping onself hydrated, etc. are simple things a person can do. The immune system behaves better when you have sound sleep and are in a stress free environment. These coupled with correct medication makes the fight against flu a complete victory.

In response to such report where black-marketing is reported, the Delhi government granted licence to 40 new drug stores to sell Tamiflu tablets for treatment of swine flu. Also, the government added two more designated laboratories to test for the disease and said the stock of medicines has been doubled.

Here this what the Mayor of Mumbai says about Swine Flu, well she says it is a "Heart Disease".

Greed has no End