Saturday, September 23, 2017

Drugs in Clinical Pipeline: CT1812 | Abeta Oligomers Receptor Antagonist | Treatment for Alzheimer's Disease

CT1812, works by a completely novel mechanism to stop the binding of toxic proteins that build up in the brains of Alzheimer's patients known as Abeta oligomers.

CT1812, a novel oligomer receptor antagonist is the only drug candidate that has demonstrated not only prevention but it also displaces binding of Abeta oligomers to receptors on brain cells. By stopping the initiating event in the Abeta oligomer cascade, this first-in-class drug candidate completely blocks downstream synaptotoxicity and restores memory to normal in aged transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer's disease.

CT1812 is an orally administered lipophilic isoindoline formulated as a fumarate salt that is rapidly absorbed and highly brain penetrant. It displaces receptor-bound Abeta oligomers by allosterically antagonizing the sigma-2/PGRMC1 receptor. CT1812 thus represents the first disease-modifying therapeutic that will test the oligomer hypothesis of Alzheimer's disease.
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